Kazatzakis Summer School 2014

Experimental University of Crete (EUC)
& Summer School “Nikos Kazantzakis”

Chania, Greece; Rethymnon, Greece; Heraklion, Greece; Lasithi, Greece

GROUP A: August 10th – 24th, 2014  |  GROUP B: September 1st – 15th, 2014


The Open Public University of Crete (Anoihto Laiko Panepistimio Kritis) and the establishing Experimental University of Crete «Nikos Kazantzakis» attempts something especially innovative: inviting Chinese students, preferably those taking Greek related classes in Chinese Universities, bringing together theory with experience and combining language, imagery and living stimuli to a greater whole of: History, Culture, Tradition.

The Summer Schools of EUC have a total duration of one month and are divided into two groups of fifteen days each: GROUP A: Arrival: August 10th, 2014 – Return: August 24th, 2014, and GROUP B: Arrival: September 1st, 2014 – Return: September 15th, 2014.


Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about History, Culture and Tradition of Crete
  • Explore the island and cross walk the Samaria Gorge
  • Participate at traditional product manufacturing workshops
  • Participate in a local festival, a traditional wedding & a christening
  • Learn about the Cretan cuisine through a cooking seminar
  • Visit a local winery and learn more about wine making
  • Attend various thematic lectures by distinguished expert speakers
  • Attend a basic Greek Language course & learn Cretan dances

Its purpose is that students become partakers of the History, Culture and Tradition of Crete and to initiate an ongoing dialogue among the two greatest and oldest civilizations in the world. Civilizations of equal significance, which developed almost in parallel in all aspects and share an infinite amount of common elements. And finally, the participants to become the best ambassadors of our land in their home country.


Deadline for applications is 30 May 2014

To apply, visit http://kazantzakissummerschool.com

For any questions, please e-mail us at kazantzakissummerschool@gmail.com


Open Public University of Crete



Tel.: 0030 6942099378
Email: kazantzakissummerschool@gmail.com

Web: www.kazantzakissummerschool.com / www.alp.edu.gr